Bare conductor AAC ALL Aluminum conductor

Bare conductor AAC ALL Aluminum conductor

Products Description
Concentric lay stranded Aluminium Conductor ( AAC) is made up of one or more strands of hard drawn 1350 aluminum alloy. These conductors are used in low, medium and high voltage overhead lines. AAC has seen extensive use in urban areas where spans are usually short but high conductivity us required. The excellent corrosion resistance of aluminium has made AAC a conductor of choice in coastal areas. Because of its relatively poor strength to weight ratio, AAC had limited use in transmission lines and rural distribution because of long spans utilized. The excellent corrosion resistance of aluminium has made AAC a conductor of choice in coastal areas.Although aluminium-to-copper connections can be made, it is better to use aluminium conductors for service connections, as various forms of covered cable are available for this purpose.
GB/T 1179, IEC 61089, EN 50182, ASTM B231/B231M, NF C34-125
Rated voltage: 0.6/1kV or 1kV~35kV
Technical parameter
Standards:BS 215
Code name Nominal aluminum area mm^2 Stranding structure Total sectional area mm^2 Overall diameter mm
Al. No Al. Dia. St. No. St. Dia
Mole 10 6 1.5 1 1.5 12.39 4.5
Squirrel 20 6 2.11 1 2.11 24.43 6.33
Gopher 25 6 2.36 1 2.36 30.62 7.08
Weasek  30 6 2.59 1 2.59 36.88 7.77
Fox 35 6 2.79 1 2.79 42.77 8.37
Ferret 40 6 3 1 3 49.48 9
Rabbit 50 6 3.35 1 3.35 61.7 10.05
Mink 60 6 3.66 1 3.66 73.71 10.98
Skunk 60 12 2.59 7 2.59 100.3 12.95
Beaver 70 6 3.99 1 3.99 87.29 11.97
Horse 70 12 2.79 7 2.79 116.2 13.95
Racoon 75 6 4.1 1 4.1 92.4 12.3
Otter 80 6 4.22 1 4.22 97.86 13.98
Cat 90 6 4.5 1 4.5 11.3 15.9
Hare 100 6 4.72 1 4.72 122.5 17.5
Dog 100 6 4.72 7 1.57 118.5 14.15
Hyena 100 7 4.39 7 1.93 126.2 14.57
Leopard 125 8 5.28 7 1.75 148.1 15.81
Coyote 125 26 2.54 7 1.91 152.2 15.89
Congar 125 18 3.05 1 3.05 137.5 15.25
Tiger 125 30 2.36 7 2.36 161.7 16.52
Dingo 150 18 3.35 1 3.35 167.5 16.75
Wolf 150 30 2.59 7 2.59 194.9 18.13
Caracal 174 18 3.61 1 3.61 194.5 18.05
Lynx 175 30 2.79 7 2.79 326.2 19.53
Jaguar 200 18 3.86 1 3.86 222.3 19.3
Panther 200 30 3 7 3 261.5 21
Lion 225 30 3.18 7 3.18 294.2 22.26
Bear 250 30 3.35 7 3.35 325.6 23.45
Goat 300 30 3.71 7 3.71 400 25.97
Sheep 350 30 3.99 7 3.99 461.4 27.93
Antilope 350 54 2.97 7 2.97 421.5 26.73
Bizon 350 54 3 7 3 431.3 27
Deer 400 30 4.27 7 4.27 529.5 28.89
Zebra 400 54 3.18 7 3.18 484.5 28.62
ELK 450 30 4.5 7 4.5 588.3 31.5
Camel 450 54 3.35 7 3.35 536.8 30.15
Moose 500 54 3.53 7 3.53 597.2 31.77
Finch 500 54 3.65 19 2.29 642.9 33.35
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