As an important component of the power system, cables must be regularly inspected and maintained during use , so as to ensure our daily electricity safety.

Apr 19, 2022
As an important component of the power system, cables must be regularly inspected and maintained during use , so as to ensure our daily electricity safety.
So how to protect wires and cables? The following is a detailed introduction for everyone.

01/safety requirements for cable use
1.If the cables cross each other, the high-voltage cable should be below the low-voltage cable.If one of the cables is protected by a pope or separated by a partition within 1m before an after the intersection, the allowable minimum distance is 0.23m
2.When the cable approaches or crosses the heat pipe, if there are heat insulation measures, the minimum distance between parallel and cross is 0.5m and 0.25m respectively.
3.When the cable crosses the railway or road, it should be protected by wearing a pipe,and the protective pipe should extend 2 meters beyond the track or road surface.
4.The distance between the cable and the building foundation needs to ensure that the cable is buried outside the apron of the building; when cables are introduces into building, they should be protected through pipes, which should be beyond the apron of buildings.
5.The distance between cables directly buried in the ground and the grounding of general grounding devices should be 0.25~0.5m; the buried depth of cables directly buried in the ground should generally not be less than 0.7m, and should be buried under the frozen soil layer.

02/storage environment of cables
If the cable is to be stored for a long time, the following considerations should be made according to the location of the cable.
1.Under the eaves. The standard LAN cable can be used only when the cable is not directly exposed to sunlight or ultra-high temperature. It is recommended to use pipes.
2.On the external wall. Avoid direct sunlight one the wall and man-made damage. 
3.In the pipeline(plastic or metal). For example,in pipes, pay attention to the damage of plastic pipes and the heat conduction of metal pipes.
4.Suspended application/overhead cable.Consider the sag and pressure of the cable, witch binding method is to be adopted, and whether the cable is directly irradiated by sunlight.
5.Laying directly in the underground cable trench, which is the environment with the smallest control range. The installation of the cable should be checked regularly for dryness or humidity.
6.Underground pipelines. In order to facilitate the future upgrade, cable replacement and isolation from the surface pressure and the surrounding environment, it is a better method to set up an auxiliary pipeline for isolation, but don’t hope that the pipeline will stay dry forever, which will affect the choice of cable types.
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